Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday is the new Friday

Tomorrow is my flex friday - so tonight is really my 'Friday' - and Thursday's are always a wonderfully relaxing night for me (well, I try to make them that way, but life gets in the way sometimes) because I always plan on doing absolutely nothing. That coupled with Morgan having lots of class + SGA meetings + waking up at 4 AM Friday mornings equals Thursday becoming the new Friday for Julie!

And while I do love my job, these past 2 weeks have really burnt me out, and at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I'm already for my (4 day!) weekend.

I recenetly read a fill-in-the-blank survey on a blog that I follow, so I thought I'd give my brain a break, and fill in my own blanks :)

{1.} If I had two hours to myself today, I'd light my candles, cozy up in my warm fuzzy blanket, maybe make some hot chocolate and read the rest of my book.

[Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis - financial nerd? don't mind some mild profanity? i'll let you borrow it after my boss]

{2.} If I could travel anywhere today, I would go anywhere the beach is.

[I need (not want, need) somewhere warm right now. I need the sand on my toes and the sound of the waves washing over my face. Morgan and I have been talking so much about going to the beach that right now I crave it. I need it.]

{3.} Seeing Morgan's smiling face at 6:30 AM on my birthday is my happiest memory. (that I can think of at this moment)
[Not only was I not expecting it, but it was exactly what I wanted and needed. He never ceases to surprise, impress, or care for me. It just comes natural to him, and that makes me happy.]

{4.} Sometimes you're totally comfortable in situations other times you're completely out of your element.

[I have realized that coming out of my comfort zone is probably one of the most difficult things I've ever done and also the most rewarding.]

{5.} Beauty is feeling comfortable in your own skin and loving yourself for it.

{6.} I would be embarrassed if anyone knew that I still don't have bedroom furniture and I moved out on my own 9 months ago.

[I also use my mint-green snuggie as a curtain for my window so I don't get woken up at 7 AM on Saturdays. I hope my aunt doesn't read this - she got me the snuggie, I'm sure, to wear and not use as home 'decor'. oops.]

{7.} Love at first sight isn't realized until after the fact. I loved Morgan since the day I met him, I just can't explain it.

[When I asked him if he believed in love at first sight he replied "Yes, of course" without hesitating. And then went on to recount our exact encounter the day we met - what I was wearing, what I said, how my hair was done, what we laughed about. This, from a man who can't remember what he had for breakfast yesterday. Man do I love him.]

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