I don't know why but I was looking back on my blog and read this post - from right after the new year.
and it became entirely evident that I have not made any progress.
OK so that's not exactly true - but during the moments when I begin to worry entirely too much it feels like I'm 15, 18, 21 again - and haven't learned a thing.
Deep down I know that I have, I know that I have come a long way from who I used to be
more mature
more aware
more wise
And then there are times, times that seem much more vivid in my mind than those where I have felt solace, that I feel like I have actually taken 10 steps backwards.
I feel lost
I feel uncertain
I feel aching.
And as I look back on those two conflicting thoughts, and the many experiences that go along with them, I'm grateful
for the contrast of happiness and sorrow
because I find my happiness great outshines the darkness of uncertain times
Though sometimes I may not notice until after
after too many tears have been spilt
and my eyes are a little too puffy
after I have felt empty for no reason at all
I do finally notice the difference.
and it gives me hope.
Hope in uncertainty - my 15, 18, 21 year old selves would laugh at the 23 year old me for even thinking that
{23 and 8 months, as Morgan would remind me}
but I know its true.
However uncertain the future is
However overwhelming it seems
and however incapable I feel
I know there is hope. for me. for Morgan and I {for us} to be
indescribably happy.
I may have to remind myself every day - every hour -
whatever it takes
but truth has a way of changing someone for the better...
over time of course
And this hope, this faith in the future, is so amazingly true.
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